Wednesday 27 July 2011

2: 'Ferro' means iron in Italian

Today Ferro is running around, looking at potential targets for his kleptomania. Being a loner, he is feeling really uncomfortable in crowded Mirabello Plaza.
Suddenly he spots something and walks away from me. I pan the camera and follow.

The chase leads me to the Working Friends household. He walks the distance, looking very cool about it, and asks one of the residents' permission to enter.
He knows he'll only have the courage to steal something after 7:00 PM, so he waits.

Meanwhile, a fair distance away, Priya is also engaged in a bit of money making - though not in the same way.
Their money making methods are one of their greatest topics to row about from time to time. Priya says that the way she is demonstrating above is more honest than Ferro's robberies.

Actually, the first thing she did was try and get a job at the fast food place, before our story began, but the hours, the meagre pay and, most of all, the fact she always turned up exhausted, led to her being 'let go' after about a week. I believe her brother took the money and it was never seen again.

Monday 25 July 2011

1: Where it Begins

Who are these two people? Well, the one on the left is called Ferro Lopez. And the one on the right is his sister, Priya. They were born in a Latin Simerican country, but escaped the drug wars for a chance at a new life in Sunset Valley. There are less bullets, certainly, in this new place - but the streets are just as cold.

They may be siblings, but their characters are rather different. After all she went through, Priya, like her brother, is a light sleeper. Being from a different culture, she's also quite inappropriate to other people's eyes. Nevertheless, she is an innately good person - she meets people, talks to them, and appeals to their human nature. This is her style of getting money - making friends she can fall back on in hard times. Her charismatic nature is also a help in this. Finally, after a gruesome experience in a meat farm as a child, she remains a vegetarian.

Ferro is a different ball game altogether. Unlike his sister, the hardships he suffered hardened him and made him innately bitter. Inappropriate and a light sleeper he may be, but from then onwards you couldn't tell he and Priya were related. Being a loner means he is not at all suited to talking to people, and he makes up for this discomfort by being aggressive, hassling passers-by which he thinks are rich to try and gain access to their possessions. His morals long lost, he is a kleptomaniac, and this is his primary source of food and money at the end of the day. But it's not as bad as it looks. Deep inside, Ferro is an artist - and loves to leave his artistic tag on every property he robs.

Next time, we follow Ferro on his day on the streets - and in the houses - of suburban Sunset Valley.

0: Introduction

Welcome to the lives of Ferro and Priya Lopez. Fate has made them street siblings - living out on the streets, each trying to make a living, their lives close and yet far from each other.

This is an experiment in the Sims 3. I took two sims, removed all of their money and made their home lot a dump. I'm trying to make this a hard life for them, because, well, it's more interesting to watch unfold isn't it?

The Sims 3, I think, can be quite a wonder to watch its AI unfold - for this reason, I'm trying not to fiddle too much or push them in directions the characters won't take. This is not my story, it is theirs.

I don't believe in long introductions. I will be posting a new chapter in the diary of the Lopez's lives every day, every two days, or whenever I can. The first chapter I am about to post now. Without further ado, ladies and gentleman, the lives of the street siblings begin.


Next Time: Where it Begins